Academic & Work Experiences
- Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
- Senior Algorithm Engineer, Omnivision Technologies Inc., Singapore
- Post-doctoral Research Fellow, ST Engineering-NTU Corporate Laboratory, Singapore
- Ph.D., School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (advised by Assoc. Prof. Lap-Pui Chau)
- Research Engineer, Santur Corporation (now acquired by NeoPhotonics), Fuzhou, China
- M.Eng., School of Optical and Electronic Information, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China (advised by Assoc. Prof. Yubin Wu)
- B.Sc., School of Optical and Electronic Information, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
- 華中師大一附中
Research Interests
- Computational photography (light field imaging, high dynamic range imaging, hyperspectral imaging and computational tomography), novel imaging systems.
- Image/video signal processing and restoration.
- Multimedia signal capture, reconstruction and content generation (3D vision, motion and music).
- AI for Art-Tech and Humanities.
- COMP1015 Computing for Creatives I [2022-S1]
- ITEC2016 Data-Driven Visualisation for the Web [2022-S1, 2021-S1, 2020-S1]
- COMP4026 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition [2021-S1]
- COMP4025 Interactive Computer Graphics [2021-S2, 2020-S2, 2019-S2]
Research Group
- WANG, Yuan (R.A. 2024-), B.Eng. and M.Sc. SDU (王媛, 山東大學本科/碩士).
- NIU, Shuwen (Ph.D. 2024-), B.Eng. FZU, M.Eng. XMU (牛姝雯, 福州大學本科, 廈門大學, 碩士).
- HE, Wenhao (Ph.D. 2024-), B.Sc. cityU, M.Sc. cityU (何文浩, 香港城市大學本科, 香港城市大學碩士).
- WU, Jiacheng (Ph.D. 2023-), B.Sc. CUHKSZ, M.Sc. HKUST (吳佳誠,港中深本科, 港科大碩士).
- XIANG, Jingyu (RA 2023-), B.Sc. TJU, M.Sc. OSU (向靖宇, 天津大學本科, Oregon State U 碩士).
- AU, Ho Yin (Ph.D. HKPFS 2022-), B.Sc. UIUC, M.Sc. UMass Amherst (歐浩然, UIUC本科, UMass Amherst碩士).
- JIANG, Junkun (Ph.D. 2021-), B.Eng. XMU, M.Eng. SYSU, (姜俊錕,廈門大學本科,中山大學碩士).
- ZHANG, Ruiqi (Ph.D. 2021-), B.Sc. and M.Eng. XJTU (張瑞琦, 西安交大本/碩).
- YANG, Xingxing (Ph.D. 2020-), B.Sc. UESTC (楊星星, 電子科大本科).
- ZHOU, Chenhong (Ph.D. 2020-), B.Sc. CUG, M.Eng. SCUT (周晨紅, 中國地質大學本科,華南理工碩士).
- XING, Wenpeng (Ph.D. 2020-2024), B.Eng. HIT, PGDip. U Limerick (邢文鵬, 哈工大本科).
- LIANG, Bo (RA 2022-2023), B.Sc. HUST (梁博,華中科技大學本科).
Media Coverage
- 小提琴演奏動捕可視化與AI視頻智能生成:夏-四季 by 維瓦爾第 [暨第十届中国管理研究国际学会谢幕演出-2023.06.17]
- 創科導航:虛實藝術/優先試車 [TVB 無線新聞-2022.09.29]
- In warm-up for an AI Celine Dion, AI choir and dancers accompany human orchestra in Hong Kong concert [南華早報 (SCMP)-2022.07.21]
- The New Era of Art-Tech [BUddies Magazine Feature Story 2022]
- Highlights of the HKBU Annual Gala Concert 2022
- 浸大聯AI辦全球首個音樂會 指揮:AI 演繹有情感 [am730-2022.07.05]
- 音樂會增「AI自主」 聞歌起舞製動畫 浸大「訓練」避指示 展現學習理解力 [明報 (Ming Pao)-2022.07.05]
- 浸大人機合唱賀回歸25周年 AI舞蹈家表演自編芭蕾舞 虛擬合唱團高歌《東方之珠》 [文匯網 (Wen Wei Po)-2022.07.05]
- 浸大AI獻歌舞 賀回歸25載 [Lion Rock Daily]